Is Our Foundation
Professionals Network
Advisory Council

John Guzzardo
Special Olympics Louisiana is led by a dedicated team with a variety of backgrounds in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors. Our goal is to support the ongoing growth and development of programs in their regions to make Special Olympics Louisiana the successful, sustainable organization it is. Most importantly, improving the experience for our athletes who train and compete with us is the priority. It is an honor for each of us to work for this amazing organization!
Our Sports & Program team is directly responsible for all state-run programs, including state-level training and competition, school-based programming, inclusive health and fitness programs, marketing/communications, and volunteer management. This team works closely with Area Management Teams to administer our community-level programming across the state.

Anjelica Lisauckis
Program strategic planning and direction; local training program recruitment and management
Ext. 116

Sports, State Competitions, Athlete Advancement, Coaches Training
Ext. 109

Rebecca Kalifeh
Athlete Leadership, Healthy Athletes, Fitness Programs, Family Health Forum
Ext. 113

Alicia Lartey
Unified Champion Schools, volunteers, competitons in the Capital and Northshore Areas
Ext. 107

Vanessa Van Buren
Unified Champion Schools, volunteers, competitons in the Acadiana and Southwest Areas
Ext. 110

Madeline Short
Unified Champion Schools, volunteers, competitons in the Greater New Orleans and Bayouland Areas
Ext. 108

Susan Murray
Finance/accounting, operations
Ext. 103

Unified Champion Schools, volunteers, competitons in North Louisiana
Ext. 114
Our Development & Marketing Team works with individuals, corporations, and foundations that support the work of Special Olympics Louisiana on a state-wide level. From fully-customized corporate partnerships to planned gifts to special events and more… this team is responsible for ensuring that SOLA has the financial resources to be sustainable for the future. One of this team’s primary focus areas is in support of our amazing partnership with the Law Enforcement Torch Run across the state. The team also oversees all marketing, public relations, and social media.

April Taylor
Oversees all Development Staff, Fundraising, Marketing
Ext. 112

Martha Schubert
Corporate partnerships, individual giving, community campaigns
Ext. 105

Laney Roberts
LETR agency relations, special events and community engagement
Ext. 111

Craig Oser
Social media, branding, marketing, public relations, special events
Ext. 106

Helen Robinson
Office assistant, donor acknowledgement
Ext. 104
While State Games and our events throughout the year rely heavily on the efforts of an army of volunteers throughout the state, none of those activities would be possible without the guidance of our board. Special Olympics Louisiana’s volunteer Board of Directors determines policies and governs the work of our organization. The board is composed of business and sports leaders, athletes, educators, and experts in intellectual disabilities.

Peyton Lambert
Troutman Pepper Locke
Metairie, LA

Frenchie Kessler
Career Management Partners
Kenner, LA

Mike Lane
Lane Law
Mandeville, LA

Paul Tanguis
Tanguis Accounting Services LLC
Covington, LA

Bailey Castille
Athlete Representative
Breaux Bridge, LA

Randy Davidson
Shreveport, LA

Lindsey Windom
Chair, Young Professionals Network
Greenleaf Architects
Covington, LA

Steve Jacobs
Mele Printing
Mandeville, LA

Donna Reno, EdD
Tangipahoa Parish Public Schools
Ponchatoula, LA

DeMarkus Hill
Drax Group
Monroe, LA

Hyperion EMS LLC
Mandeville, LA

Jennifer Buckinham
Galloway Law Firm
New Orleans, LA

Peter Seidenberg, MD, MA, FAAFP, FACSM, RMSK
LSU Health School of Medicine
Shreveport, LA

Ashleigh Clare-Kearney Thigpen
LSU Athletics
Baton Rouge, LA
Professionals Network

Special Olympics Louisiana’s Young Professionals Network (YPN) will be dedicated to raising
community awareness and fundraising efforts while supporting the organization’s mission.

Made up of enthusiastic individuals under the age of 40, the YPB will use its collective professional experiences to raise the visibility of SOLA and provide for new programs through fundraising events.

Another crucial part of the YPB is providing hands-on technical assistance as volunteers at Special Olympics events throughout the year.

Becoming a member serves as a platform for potential future leadership roles on the Special Olympics Louisiana’s Board of Directors.
YPN Members

Lindsey Windom
Young Professionals Network
Greenleaf Architects
Covington, LA
Advisory Council
What is the Athlete-Partner Advisory Council?
The Athlete-Partner Advisory Committee (APAC) is a forum for athletes and partners to explore and discuss issues that affect their athletic experience on a day-to-day basis. This council broadens the involvement of athletes and partners in athletic competitions and community events. The APAC encourages a sense of unity, common purpose, and camaraderie in all sports and among all athletes and partners, and allows for input to be made on the rules, regulations, and policies that affect the lives of athletes and partners within SOLA.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Athlete-Partner Advisory Council is to enhance the total athlete and partner experience by promoting opportunity, protecting athlete and partner well-being and safety, and fostering a positive image in the community.
What’s next for APAC?
As a new venture within Special Olympics Louisiana, APAC’s next steps will involve assigning members to the council to help strengthen the partnership between SOLA and our athletes.

The Function of APAC:
- Promote communication between SOLA administration, athletes, and partners
- Provide feedback and insight into issues
- Generate athlete and partner voice within SOLA during its formulation of policies
- Build a sense of community
- Solicit athlete and partner responses to proposed program changes
- Organize community outreach efforts
- Promote a positive athlete and partner image at SOLA events and within the community

- Athletes and partners are invited to the council by the SOLA administration
- All members must have completed or have the plan to complete levels 1-3 of the Athlete Leadership Academy courses
- One- and Two-year terms (staggered)
- Quarterly meetings (with at least 1 being in person)
- 9-12 athlete reps; 3-4 partner reps (odd number of members)
- 18 years of age and older; active participant with SOLA
- SOLA staff: President/CEO, VP Programs, VP D&M
- Leadership: Council will elect a Chair and Vice-Chair
The Louisiana Law Enforcement Torch Run is run by a Torch Run Director and State Committee. At the direction of the Torch Run Leadership, the LETR Executive Committee meets regularly and includes key LETR members from across the state. The committee is responsible for providing input and insight to the statewide efforts and helping to communicate information back to their local agencies.
Our Law Enforcement Executive Committee members have years of Special Olympics and Torch Run experience between them. Their goal is to serve as a resource to agencies who are new to the Torch Run or are interested in increasing their involvement through fundraising and public awareness.

Hannah LaCour
SOLA Athlete

Lt. Diana Sanchez-Edwards
State Director
Police Department
Area 7 - Northwest

Sgt. Shannon Jones-Brewer
Area 1 - Greater New Orleans

Sgt. Dale Wheat
Area 2 - Capital Area

Capt. Jacob Fonseca
Area 3 - Bayouland

Chief Brent Breaux
Area 4 - Acadiana

Katelynn McKee
Area 5 - Southwest

Lt. Wendy Charrier
Area 6 - Central

Vacant Position
Area 8 - Northeast

Lt. Carli Messina
Area 9 - Northshore

Military Police Liaison