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Become An Athlete

Ways To Be A Champion

Are you a new athlete?

All new athletes need to register by clicking the button below. Fill out the form and email to Each athlete must register individually.

What sports do we offer?

SOLA offers sports throughout the year that capture the hearts of participants, families, and volunteers. Find a sport you love or discover a new one!

Did you know?

All SOLA sports are completely free to participate in! That means you can join as many sports that you love or discover a new one!

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Special Olympics Louisiana (SOLA) offers athletic opportunities across 14 Olympic-type sports for individuals with special needs. Athletes train for over eight weeks and practice to compete in the State Games. SOLA follows sports training and competition guidelines that Special Olympics, Inc set forth.

Athlete Leadership


Special Olympics Louisiana

Law Enforcement
Torch Run

Special Olympics Louisiana

Unified Champions School

Additional Information

A sports season typically consists of 6-8 training practices. Practices usually are held one to two times per week in the evening or on the weekend. Each sports season culminates in a competition.  There is no cost to athletes participating Special Olympics.  

Athletes must be at least eight years old to compete in a sports competition.
Athletes between 6–7 years of age can practice, but cannot compete. 

Young Athletes is available for children ages 2-7.

Eligible individuals must be identified by a medical agency or professional as having an intellectual disability. Some Special Olympics athletes may also have a physical disability, but it is their developmental disability that qualifies them to participate in Special Olympics.

If you do not have an intellectual disability but are interested in competing alongside your friend, sibling, etc. who does qualify for Special Olympics, you can do so through Unified Sports!

The ability levels of Special Olympics athletes range greatly.  The best part is that no matter where an athlete falls in terms of ability, they can win a gold medal, as they are sectioned into competitive groupings with their peers!

In addition to demonstrating your true abilities as a competitor, you can excel in Special Olympics in many other ways. Did you know that as an athlete, you can:

You are highly encouraged to complete the online application.

Forms must be completed by the athlete or parent/guardian.  Coaches and volunteers are prohibited from completing athlete registration forms. 

Medical forms must be completed by qualified healthcare professionals.  Coaches and volunteers are prohibited from completing athlete medical forms.  

If these rules are violated, it can result in suspension from our program.

After completing your online application, download the medical/physical form and have your healthcare provider complete it.

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