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- Law Enforcement Torch Run
Why Should You Join the
Guardians of the Flame?
We are always looking for new Law Enforcement agencies to get involved in our Law Enforcement Torch Run fundraising and public awareness efforts. All branches of Law Enforcement are welcome, including military personnel. There is nothing that can compare to placing a medal around a competing Special Olympics athlete’s neck or the sense of satisfaction knowing the funds you raised at a fundraiser will support the Special Olympics programs right in your own community.
Join the ranks of over 2,000 Law Enforcement personnel (both sworn and civilian) throughout Louisiana who are changing the lives of children and adults with intellectual disabilities through their involvement in the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR).
We have a Law Enforcement Executive Council who have years of Torch Run and Special Olympics knowledge between them and are happy to help you get started. Our staff dedicated to the Law Enforcement Torch Run will support you in your efforts to get engaged.

Ready To Carry The Torch?
Fill out the form below to begin the registration process for the next LETR event near you. If you have any additional questions, call our office for more information.

Find a Torch Run
Near You
Athletes, families, and supporters are encouraged to come out to cheer on Law Enforcement agencies as they pass through their town in honor of our Special Olympics athletes.
Get involved and help escort the torch to Summer Games! Find your city on the map to view the official Torch Run schedule in your area!
Find your city on the map to get involved!
More Information
LETR Handbook
Event/Athlete Request Form
As an officer, organize a fundraiser, participate in a relay, and encourage a local business to make a contribution or sponsor your Louisiana LETR event. Special Olympics Louisiana LETR is one of the best marketing opportunities available. It provides the opportunity to help a worldwide movement while enhancing the public image of major donors. Via the SOLA LETR, sponsors can partner with one of the most highly respected groups in the world – law enforcement!